Step 1 of 2 50% Your Name* First Last Company Name*Phone*Email* Does your company currently use Microsoft Teams? (Teams is a prerequisite)* Yes No What 365 Licenses do you currently have? (for multiple, hold CTRL)*(Must have one of the licenses below to use Microsoft 365 Business Voice)TMG Manages My LicensesMicrosoft 365 Business BasicMicrosoft 365 Business StandardMicrosoft 365 Business PremiumMicrosoft 365 F1Microsoft 365 F3Office 365 F3Microsoft and Office 365 Enterprise E1 or E3Microsoft 365 and Office 365 Education A1 or A3Microsoft 365 and Office 365 Government G1 or G3Microsoft 365 Nonprofit Business BasicMicrosoft 365 Nonprofit Business StandardMicrosoft 365 and Office 365 Nonprofit E1 or E3How many users will need the Microsoft Phone System?*(This number should include public area phones. IE: conference room, kitchen, etc.)Do you make international calls?* Yes No How many minutes on average a month?*Physical Address for 911 information:* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Firewall blocking any outbound traffic? (Leave blank if TMG manages your firewall)(TCP Ports 80 and 443 along with UDP ports 3478, 3479, 3480, and 3481 are needed for outbound traffic)Internet Speed at Main Office? (Leave blank if TMG manages)(Microsoft has a planning tool to see what speed you will need to support the number of users.) Are you porting any existing phone numbers over?* Yes No I Don't Know Please list the numbers you will need to be ported below: Will you need direct dial numbers for employees? Yes No I Don't Know Will you need toll free numbers?* Yes No I Don't Know Please list your toll free number(s) below: Are there any conference room phones needed?* Yes No I Don't Know How many conference room phones?Will you need call queues?*(Example: Service Department which would queue up calls in order) Yes No I Don't Know Will you require physical phones?*(Teams can be fully operational without a physical phone but is based on preference) Yes No How many physical phones?*Will your physical phones require wireless capabilities?* Yes No Would you like an auto-attendant configured?*(This can be customized to your business processes) Yes No Who should receive incoming phone calls?* Receptionist (internal employee) Auto-Attendant Group of people Should everyone have the same outbound caller ID?* Yes No I Don't Know For any voice prompts, would you like to provide your own audio or default to computer generated?* We will provide Audio Computer Generated I Don't Know Will your fire alarm or security alarm be affected by a new phone system? Yes No I Don't Know Will you require different call flows for different times of the day or days of the week? Please explain.*Example: Business hours vs. non-business hours having different call flows.What are your business hours?Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:Upload Current Phone Invoice:*Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB.Any other comments or questions you would like to provide? 61376