5 Major Signs You Need To Update Your IT
Trying to hang on to old hardware may save you money now, but it exposes you to many other risks and potential expenses down the road. Do you know when it’s time to upgrade your IT?
Frugality is a valuable priority in the business world. Avoiding overspending and being resourceful with the assets you have can help to boost your profits and keep your business operating within its budget.
However, there’s a difference between being frugal and being cheap—do you know which you are?
There’s an easy way to tell. Ask yourself, “when was the last time I updated my technology?”
The fact is that many of us will continue to use obviously outdated technology long after it should have been replaced. Whether it’s that old smartphone that won’t run newer operating systems or the computers you use at work, sticking with out-of-date technology will save you a bit of money because you don’t have to replace it.
But did you know how it will cost you in other ways?
Old Technology Is Expensive To Keep
If your old tech is working so poorly that it stops you and your staff from working, then it’s time to replace it. The downtime caused by old hardware isn’t worth the money you’re saving by hanging on to it.
Whether you agree or not, it’s a fact—Ponemon Institute estimates that every hour of downtime can cost well over $300,000.
The main cost of downtime is not the fix itself, it’s the halt in your business’ productivity. If an IT-related or natural disaster occurs and takes critical systems offline, employees will be unable to complete their tasks, yet your normal business expenses will carry on.
The economy of downtime is unforgiving—it grinds your business to a halt, racks up expenses, and keeps you from getting anything done. Additional costs include…
Expense vs. Revenue
During downtime, you incur all the expenses of running a business without the revenue you would usually generate.
Loss of Focus
Even if downtime does not grind everything to a halt, some of your staff will have to divert themselves from their normal work to mitigate the problem—again reducing productivity.
Affected Service Delivery
Furthermore, while your systems are down, you can’t deliver services or sell products to current and potential new clients.
Cost Of Repair
However you approach fixing the problem, it’ll cost time and money.
5 Reasons To Update Your Business’ Technology Sooner Rather Than Later
Your Technology Is Slowing You Down
As explored above, the most direct result of age in the technology life cycle is speed. The older your hardware or software is, the slower it will run. Every minute you and your staff spend waiting on technology to respond is time wasted in the working day.
Your Technology Is Putting You At Risk
Did you know that the most common way cybercriminals get into a network is through loopholes in popular software, applications, and programs? Despite how advanced modern software is, it is still designed by humans, and the fact is that humans make mistakes.
Due to this, much of the software you rely on to get work done every day could have flaws—or “exploits”—that leaves you vulnerable to security breaches.
Many of the most common malware and viruses used by cybercriminals today are based on exploiting those programming flaws; to address this, developers regularly release software patches and updates to fix those flaws and protect the users.
This is why it’s imperative that you keep your applications and systems up to date.
Your Technology Is Holding You Back
You may be noticing that your competitors have far surpassed your capabilities and are able to provide clients with features and products that you are unable to offer.
If you are finding it hard to keep up with your competitors, it might be time to consider how new technology can enhance the work you do.
It’s Multiple Generations Out Of Date
To be fair, a single generation out of date doesn’t mean you need to upgrade. But 3 or 4 generations? Then you’re getting to the point when you’ll be at “end of life” when the developer is no longer offering support like patches or upgrades.
This leads to a degradation in usability, and greater security risks. When a newer version is released, it means the clock is running out on how long the providers will continue to support the version you’re using. Don’t push it too long, or you could put your data at risk.
Repairs Don’t Last Very Long
The older your hardware gets, the more often you’ll need to call someone to fix it. The more you need someone to fix it, the less effective those fixes become. That means paying more and more for support to come in and get it running again, the returns on which will quickly diminish.
It’s Time To Take Stock Of Your Hardware
Does Your Hardware Function Properly?
As step number 1, it doesn’t get much easier than this:
- Can you turn it on?
- How long does it take to start up?
- How long does it take to execute tasks like opening applications?
In a nutshell, you need to know whether your hardware is holding you back, making you wait, and slowing your firm down.
Is The Software Up To Date?
Now that you’ve determined how functional the hardware is, the next step is the software. Even if this technology hasn’t been turned on in a week, there will likely be some updates that have to take place.
Updates are important because they correct existing errors and mistakes in software, and patch potential flaws that could leave it vulnerable to security threats.
One by one, open up each program you would plan to use on a regular basis. If there are updates that need to be installed, a pop-up window will likely open on start-up. However, if the previous owner turned off that automatic function, you’ll need to manually check for updates, which can be done in the program preferences.
What Is The Status Of Licenses And Warranties?
After double-checking that everything is up to date, the next step will be to confirm the status of any existing licenses and warranties.
Depending on the type of firm, there may be specific software needed for daily operations. The bottom line is that if you need it to get work done, you should know whether you can use it.
Is It Time To Upgrade?
There are a variety of reasons why you may decide to hold off on making a major upgrade to your technology, such as the cost and hassle. However, avoiding the issue for too long will do more harm than good, and will affect your productivity, security, and ability to get work done.
Make sure your IT company is helping you manage hardware lifecycles—if they can’t, then consider working with The Miller Group. Our team can help you evaluate your IT environment to make sure everything is up to date and ready to meet your team’s expectations.
Book a meeting with our team to get started.

Chad is our Business Development Manager, and Co-Owner. In these key roles, Chad handles client relations on behalf of our business. He works everyday to ensure our clients are satisfied with our services, as well as spearheading sales and public relations initiatives for the company as a whole.