Welcome to Cybersecurity Training

Help Protect Our Team from Cybercriminals
15% annual increase in cybercrime
$4.24 million average cost of a cybersecurity breach
Human error is a major contributing cause of cyberattacks

Building Strong Links

What to expect from cybersecurity training
Introduction to
Provide you with
tools and best
practices to
outsmart the
bad guys
Learn the
behaviors that
will keep you

Take your knowledge home
Share what you learn with your family and friends
Help keep the people you care about safe from cyber attacks targeting individuals
How Cybersecurity Training works
Step 1: Training Modules
Two reminders per month until course completion
Each reminder has a link to the course
Complete the course (5-10 minutes)
Take quiz

Step 2: Simulated Phishing Emails
You will receive simulated phishing emails at random intervals
Apply your knowledge to identify these emails