Name* First Last Company*Phone*Email* Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Please describe your current IT support and management resources.Do you have an internal IT department, outsource your IT, or do you have someone helping you here and there when things break?How many users will be migrating?* What licenses are required?Business Basic (Email + Cloud Version of Office Suite) Quantity Price: $5.50 Quantity Business Standard (Email + Desktop Version of Office Suite) Quantity Price: $13.00 Quantity Is there additional information required for your licensing requirements?Are all users migrating currently using same email system (host)?*SelectYesNoIf not, how many mailboxes are with each system?*Do all users work from same physical location (office)?*Where is your email currently hosted?*SelectOnsite (Exchange)GodaddyYahooGooglePOP3I Don't KnowWhat type of mail system you currently use (IMAP, MAPI, POP3)?*Do you have admin access to the current email system (login credentials)?*SelectYesNoHow many domains will be migrating?*Do you have admin access to the DNS host or have contact information for DNS host?*SelectYesNoAre we migrating old email or starting with new, empty mailboxes?*SelectMigrating Old EmailStarting with New MailboxesIf migrating, do you know the size of current mailboxes?*Do users use Outlook as an email client?*SelectYesNoIf using Outlook, are all workstations running at least Outlook 2016 or newer?*SelectUsing Outlook 2016 or NewerUsing versions older than Outlook 2016Have both; some older and some newer or the same as Outlook 2016If using Office/Outlook version older than 2016, will The Miller Group or your IT staff be performing upgrades to Office versions?*SelectI want The Miller Group to do itOur staff will take care of the upgradesWhat operating system(s) are your workstations running?* XP Vista Windows 7 Windows 10 Mac OS Do these users use Windows in Parallels or just Mac OS for their email?*SelectWindows in Parallels for emailMac OS for emailIf any, how many users do not use a workstation for email and only use web access or cell phone to access their email?*Do you have any scanners or copiers that scan or copy to users' email?*SelectYesNoNo, but I would like it set up if it is supported by my deviceIf so, how many?*12345+What is/are the model number(s)?*Do you currently use voicemail to email?*SelectYesNoNo, but if it is supported by my phone system I would like to implementIf so, what is the model of voicemail system you use?*Do you have admin access to it or contact info for provider?*How many users will access email on a mobile device in addition to their normal workstation?*Do users access email on more than one workstation (office/home/laptop/desktop)?*Does your company need to meet compliance on email retention?*Do you have a domain network or workgroup?*SelectDomain NetworkWorkgroupNot SureDo you know the speed and type of Internet connection at your office?*